Ansys 2021R2 Released!

Across the entire portfolio of the Ansys family of programs, a couple of features have been added in Ansys 2021 R2 to help engineers optimally develop the products of tomorrow. With the newly launched Ansys 2021 R2, engineers can capitalize on ever-increasing computing power to optimize complex products, assemblies and systems across industries; and bring better products to market faster with systems engineering workflows that bring together multiple engineering tools and disciplines to help stakeholders understand subsystem interactions and synergies. With access to nearly limitless computing via Ansys Cloud, engineers who use Ansys 2021 R2 products have the speed and flexibility to ask the “what-if” questions that lead to innovations in autonomous vehicles, chip design, mission-critical connectivity solutions and more sustainable travel via lightweight materials and electrification, thus engineers are no longer bound to an expensive and time-consuming prototype-test-redesign cycle.
Buttons below will bring you to ANSYS 2021R2 updates session in different Ansys product families:
In 2021 R2, Structures products continue to deliver new features that enable flexibility, robustness and efficiency. 2021 R2 brings even more product integration with Ansys Mechanical, enabling users to access more solver technology for robust simulations, and unlimited modeling possibilities with journaling and scripting in the Mechanical interface. Among the new features in 2021 R2 Structures products, the extended Python scripting functions for modeling, streamlined multistage analyses, and the exposure of LS-DYNA technologies have to be highlighted.
- Unlimited modeling possibilities with journaling and scripting in the Mechanical interface. Users can now embed Python scripts directly into their models with MAPDL Python package – PyAnsys. Recording is also supported for the generic actions like Solve, Evaluate results, new analysis, etc
- Streamlined multistage analyses provide a way to combine two or more independent cyclically symmetric systems with different sector counts in same model, deliver tremendous time saving by reducing the model size and run time by up to 50X

- New capabilities included automated seam weld, heat affected zones (HAZ) elements and mesh generation increase meshing efficiency and quality for large weldment assemblies
- Transient Acoustics can be enabled in Physics Region for Coupled Field Transient Analysis
- Automatic ‘Static to Transient’ Analysis for Nonlinear Problems.
- Technologies including Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) and implicit – explicit solutions from LS-DYNA that enable workflows like pre-stress loading and restarts for drop-test simulations can now be accessed from Mechanical as well
- LS-DYNA solver continues to add exciting new features in many areas like Iso-geometric Analysis (IGA), advanced materials model & element formulation, Smoothed Particle Galerkin (SPG), NVH and fatigue analysis, complex multiphysics which can be used for battery modeling, Electrophysiology, and many more areas
- Empowers users to run large jobs and overcome any hardware capacity limitation by adding support for Ansys LS-DYNA to high-performance computing ARM and Ansys Cloud
Ansys nCode DesignLife
- In 2021R2, Ansys nCode DesignLife continue to enhance its Performance & Usability like New analysis Type implemented to analyze Solid Seam Weld; and new property “Frequency Extrapolation Method in Vibration Loading to give massive speed improvements on models with lots of properties/materials
- Integrating Ansys nCode DesignLife with Ansys Mechanical improves user ease of use and flexibility
Ansys Motion
- Enhancements in contact performance within Ansys Motion can deliver up to 10X speedup
- Newly enhanced Automated Motion to Acoustic Interface – allows users to drag and drop harmonic acoustic system onto the results of their motion system within Workbench
- Integrating Ansys Motion with Ansys Mechanical improves user ease of use and flexibility. Users now can execute an action (stop solution, activate/deactivate joint, etc.) based on solution time or a functional expression
Ansys Additive Solutions
- Faster solve times and improved user workflows for Additive Manufacturing users with improvements in Calibration Wizard and addition of Variable Layer Heights
- Increased accuracy and numerical consistency owing to changes to meshing defaults and improved robustness to Additive Manufacturing bond connections
- Significant speed improvements in Additive Manufacturing microstructure simulations by enabling users to apply more threads
Electronics Reliability
- Ansys Sherlock has Expanded Workbench integration capabilities, including the ability to start a new Sherlock project directly in Workbench and improved handling of PCBs that are combined with enclosures and housings
- Ansys Sherlock integration with Ansys LS-DYNA through a single-click automated workflow in Workbench that rapidly creates meshed models for drop-test simulations in LS-DYNA, among other analysis types
- New capability in the Sound Composer can generate evolving broadband noise, such as the interior car sound in acceleration or deceleration.
- Easy access for users of Fluent, Mechanical, and other Ansys products with the SAS in the Ansys Unified Installer
- Efficient workflows between VRXPERIENCE Sound, Motion and Mechanical to transfer data for future acoustic analyses for users concerned with NVH challenges

Ansys Material in 2021 R2 significantly improves the productivity for design, simulation and materials engineers by making trusted materials data quicker thus easier to access. Every Granta product now integrated with Ansys Discovery. With the new developments in the 2021 R2 release:
Granta MI Enterprise
- Ensuring data is always in sync to avoid data duplication
- Deeper integration between materials and simulation intelligence solutions via Ansys Minerva.
- Partnership with Chemwatch to access the latest Supplier Data Sheets (SDS)
Granta MI Pro
- Increase in material models that can be stored and managed such as Hyperelasticity, Fatigue (strain-life models), etc
- New Abaqus gateway
Granta Selector
- Updated battery designer tool
- Updated version of both MMPDS for aerospace and ASM medical materials with approved medical devices
Materials Data for Simulation (MDS)
- Support for BH curves at multiple temperatures
- New grades of radar-absorbing materials now included over 100 new magnetic materials
- Increased simulation accuracy with true plastic stress-strain curves
Granta Materials Data
- Improved behaviour for export of stress-strain data from Global Polymers when multiple curves are present for the same temperature
- Updated material dataset of MMPDS aerospace and ASM Medical
Granta EduPack
- Updated battery module and pack design
- Updated version of the MMPDS aerospace database
Ansys continues enhancing their existing product line to help you solve some of the toughest challenges in IC packages, 5G antennas, PCBs, Cables and many more. In 2021R2, Ansys introduces a new product line which is Ansys Nuherts FilterSolutions which is an automated RF, microwave and digital filter design, synthesis, and optimization software. Tight integration with HFSS offers single workflow from layout to EM optimization and the ability to evaluate the widest range of filter topologies allows for accurate first design prototypes.

Ansys Nurherts Filter Solutions
- Automated microwave filter design and layout synthesis translates filter designs to filter layout
- Tight integration with HFSS pushes designs directly to HFSS for design validation and electromagnetic optimization
- Filter Quick Interface provides easy filter design for novice users
Ansys HFSS
- Phi Plus meshing technology increase the speed and capacity for 3D IC package challenges
- HFSS SBR+ solver enables efficient simulation of non-uniform dielectric structures
- Increased speed for far field processing of 5G mmWave antenna design
Ansys Maxwell
- A-phi solver in Maxwell provides with transient multi-conduction path simulation capability, enhancing the conductive emission for EMC analysis and NVH solution for PCB
- Enhanced 2D-skew design capability can define any 3D physical skew topology onto a 2D design maintaining 3D accuracy at the speed of 2D simulation
- Multiphysics Enhancements enhanced thermal dependency response of permanent magnets and extends NVH to broader practical applications of electromechanical devices
Ansys Icepak
- Joule heating analysis solves tightly coupled electro-thermal problems with transient or static excitations
- Reduced Order Model simplifies setup for complex problems involving flow rate conditions and varying load
- Icepak solver and performance improvements enable faster MCAD geometry loading, meshing, solver initialization, and solving
Ansys SIwave
- Support for temperature-dependent materials in AC solver allows modification towards the conductivity of plane and traces, and derate the response of dynamic capacitors
- Updated thermal link provides a more robust electrothermal design
- New SI Xplorer utility can define stack-up and optimize via transitions
Ansys EMA3D Cable
- SIwave near field import enables reliable near field simulations and streamlines workflow
- Frequency-dependent materials allows the prediction of EMC performance for any frequency range using correct material properties

Ansys 2021 R2 continues to expand simulation capabilities and ease of use for every engineer to unlock innovation and increase productivity throughout the product development process. In addition, every analyst can now benefit from Ansys Discovery’s geometry modeling workflows, groundbreaking Live physics, and innovative user interface. The addition of Ansys associative CAD interfaces, history tracking, and connection to Workbench make Discovery an ideal complement to all other third-party tools and workflows in the Ansys portfolio.
Ansys Discovery
- More engineering use cases – Idealized sliding contact for Live physics and porous media for high-fidelity physics, allow fast easy to use simulation of jointed assemblies and filtered flows. Optimized CHT and new physics condition, improving mesh, region interface and contact for conjugated heat model and allow additional motions on the bodies
- Result viewing enhancement – improved streamlets, multi-field display, plane monitors, ambient occlusion, streamline count and particle animation speed
- Ansys Workbench connectivity – Allows analysts to do geometry preparation for simulation in Discovery including materials selections and upfront simulation, with seamless transfer to Mechanical and Fluent
- Connected geometry workflow – Associative CAD interfaces, history tracking, and a constraint-based sketching automate Discovery’s modeling operations and provide a seamless workflow from CAD to any other Workbench connected app
- Workflow innovation – Saved scenes, physics condition suppression, and connections to Granta Selector and MI accelerate and automate the simulation workflow from setup through to report generation
Ansys CFD analysis continues to make measure advancement to help you solve some for the toughest challenges in hypersonic, turbomachinery, turbulence, combustion, in-flight icing and many more. In 2021R2, combustion enhancements help push decarbonization effort with a new strained-FGM model for better NOx and CO predictions, as well as validation of recommended hydrogen concentrations and hydrogen blends. You also can organize multiple icing simulation within new project management framework in the icing workspace to increase your productivity. Other simulation tools designed to help you in engineering what is ahead.

Ansys Fluent
- Case setup summary listing changes from default values
- New capabilities for mesh extrusion
- Dynamic anti-diffusion which reduce artificial waves/wrinkles resulting from numerical interface sharpening
- Injection improvements, injection locations based on local reference frames
- Fast and robust Finite Rate Chemistry
- Built-in ablation models help optimize design of thermal protection systems
- Battery materials library with data for a variety of anode, cathode, and electrolyte materials as well as kinetics data for abuse model
- Hydrogen combustion modelling and Electrolysis and Fuel Cells
- New predefined criteria available make it easier to optimize mesh adaption for more applications, e.g. combustion and shock capture
- Selectable flux methods to optimize for different applications
Ansys CFX and Turbo Tools
- Throat area can now be made a parameter in BladeEditor, allowing it to be used in optimization studies
- ATM3D now supports constant first element height
- Solve end-to-end blade design workflows using elastic licensing, including Ansys Cloud based workflows
- Submit batch solver jobs to the Ansys Cloud
- CFX workflow in optiSLang
Ansys Chemkin-Pro
- Ansys Chemkin Enterprise now merged into Ansys CFD Enterprise
- Update of Model Fuel Library from 202 Subscription Service results
- Liquid kinetics with liquid and gas (multi-phase)
- New Sample for calculating detonation-wave speeds
Ansys Ensight
- Integrate Ensight various toolchains and workflows within other Ansys applications
- No longer requiring SLiM
- EnVision Pro will not occupy any seat or increment
- Ansys fluids Post Reader in EnSight now fully supports CFF Post files written byPolyflow solver (.cas.poly/.dat.poly)
- A new reader for LS-Dyna results is available
- Support for SGE Job Scheduling
- Current Camera view position from Ensight is now transmitted to AVZ viewer
- Coordinate Components can be directly used to color parts or create contours(without having to create separate scalar variable for that component).
- Extended Icing Data (EID) feature for high-speed and internal aero-icing calculations has been migrated into ICE3D
- Project workflows and data management has been enhanced to streamline the following workflows: Multishot icing, Anti-icing and Anisotropic mesh optimization
- Advanced ice density model based on water freezing fraction and droplet impingement angle have been included
Ansys Forte
- FSI through system coupling transient-transient simulations
- Speed up simulation time when chemistry is deactivated
- Real Gas Property table import
- Improved torque & power calculations
- Additional outputs to the Monitor to facilitate detailed analyses
- New mesh-refinement options for cone and annulus shapes
- Allow users to specify constraints on velocity magnitude
- Added jet fuel (Jet A) to the Fuel Library