In cooperation with LSTC and Shanghai Fangkun, DYNAmore is co-organizer of the 16th International LS-DYNA Conference 2020. More than 950 participants and about 200 presentations make the event the largest LS-DYNA conference worldwide.
All users of LS-DYNA are cordially invited to present their work, research results and experiences with LS-DYNA and LS-OPT to an international expert audience. This year, for the first time, speakers will have the opportunity to specify their preferred session at the time of submission. The organizers will try to take all wishes into account when preparing the agenda. To submit one or more abstracts, please use the DYNAMore website at www.dynamore.de/paper2020
Please note that the authors are NOT automatically registered as conference participants. For the presenter the conference fee is waived. Therefore, the presenter must register as “presenter” at www.lstc.com/2020. This link will also provide further information on conference organization and accommodation.
The venue is the second novelty this year besides the possibility to select the preferred session. The conference will take place for the first time at the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center, centrally located downtown on the Detroit River.
In addition to the technical presentations, which form the core of the conference, there will again be a wide range of supporting events this year. There will be numerous pre- and postconference classes on various topics. Participants will have the opportunity for professional dialogue and exchange of experiences during the reception on the first evening and the gala dinner on the second evening. In the accompanying exhibition several companies from the hard- and software sector present their innovative products and services. If we have aroused your interest to participate as exhibitor or sponsor at the conference, you will find all information at the link mentioned above.
Another highlight of the conference will be the plenary and keynote presentations. High-class speakers from industry and research will report on their work and experiences with LSDYNA. Also, the developers of LSTC inform about the latest developments and features of the software.
LSTC, Shanghai Fangkun and DYNAMore hope for lively interest and look forward to welcoming many LS-DYNA users at the conference in Detroit.